What an AMAZING week for the students! They worked extra hard to show me where they are in math and reading skills! I am still assessing where everybody is, but I am very proud of the hard work they are doing in class!
One thing I would love to work on is pushing independence at home! Letting our friends try to do something first, and then helping second! I have lots of friends who tell me they can not do something unless I tell them what to do (especially in regards to writing/drawing) where I do not tell them what to write or how to draw it, because I know they can do it! I just need some more help at home by telling our friends that they have this and can do it without help!
Coming up we are working with our kindergarten skills! Numbers from 1-10, number partners from 5-10 are going to be some concepts we are working with! We will be using math tools to help build our math knowledge!

Reading/Language Arts/Phonics/Writing:
For reading, we are starting small groups next week! We will be working with 1 other partner who is at the same level we are at, and we are going to be focusing on skills to help our reading abilities!
For our language arts, we are going to be working on capitalization and punctuation! You would be surprised how many first graders forget we need capital letters at the beginning of our sentences! We are also STILL working on letter formation! A lot of my friends need to focus on this skill, as we have lots of floating letters, but not to worry, together we can achieve this!
Phonics-- we are working on short a sounds! I have a secret story that I am going to share with my first grade friends! They are going to LOVE it! Ask them on Friday next week to share our short a secret story!
Writing-this is one I see most students struggle with, we are going to focus on starting with strong sentences, then moving to strong paragraphs, and ending with story telling using a picture! That is going to take about 3-4 weeks to work really well, they are going to be amazing story tellers soon!
Social Studies and Science
Social studies we are working on being a responsible citizens! We have worked on what rules and laws are and how they are the same and different!
Science we are going to be starting off the year with living and non-living!
We have worked on what is the Creation story this week! This coming week we are working on the prayers!
Coming up and For Your Information:
Check your child's planner today! They have an order form for their school year pictures! Pictures are September 16!
7-No School
8-Father Walter's birthday
11-School Mass 8:15
18-School Mass 8:15
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