Monday, December 17, 2018

December in a Flash

Image result for merry christmas 2018

I hope you have a very blessed end of the year! This month has FLOWN by!!


We are finishing up our Chapter 4! We were working on addition up to 100! The students were having a hard time when we were adding larger 2-digit numbers to 1-digit numbers, so continue to work with them on that concept! (28+4=?) Next chapter coming up is subtracting numbers up to 100! So in order to master that, they need to be able to master addition!


We kind of have taken a break! However, this Wednesday, we are going to make our own snow in the classroom! The students will be so excited when I have them predict what we are doing with our ingredients. When we come back, we will finish seasons and weather and work on forces and motion! We will utilize Discovery Education online to witness some of these forces as well as participate in some hands-on experiments!

Social Studies:

We will be finishing up our Holidays Around the World unit! Next we will be working on will be Community Economics!

Language Arts:

We are STILL working on writing with correct letter formation and capitalization and punctuation! This will be an ever growing process, so please continue to work with your child to ensure their letters look nice! We are also starting a new project that I found to be successful!

It's not so much a project, but a new way to do homework that WILL require your help! Every day, Monday-Thursday, we will be working on reading passages! It will be the passage I send home!
Our students will read it in class, and then read it at home!
The first reading will be a timed reading! Just write down how many words they read in a minute (with a goal of increasing words by the end) .
The second reading  will be to practice using punctuation. This is where you can help them read it along by giving them clues to help with unfamiliar words, but making sure they stop at a period, pause for a comma, get excited for exclamation and so on!
The third reading will be to develop comprehension. To know what we are reading. Each night, there will be one-two comprehension questions that I would like your child to answer. They do not have to be in a sentence. It can just be a word for now!

I have found these to be successful and I will need your help to complete them each night! This replaces their homework! If they have any math left, they will get a chance to do it at school the next morning!


We just finished up learning about Advent and Christmas! We are continuing to work on learning how to look at the world around us and continue to work towards appreciating that God gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.

Some Important Dates:

     19th - Mass 8:15am
     20th - Christmas progaram 9:30am and 6pm; No after care
     21st - NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break begins   
     2nd - School resumes
     4th - Mass 8:15am

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